William Chung

  • Track record of working with families whose students are interested in STEM, Business, and Healthcare to gain admissions into Ivy Leagues, UCs, and other top universities (Stanford, Caltech, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Duke)
  • Consistently guide students to land prestigious internships/programs (BU RISE Internship, Penn’s M&TSI, Garcia, SUMaC, lowa SSTP, and more) in addition to winning national/international competitions (ISEF, DECA, Conrad Challenge, TSA, ISSCY, etc.)

Sam Deery-Schmitt

  • Graduated from the University of Notre Dame and holds a M.S. in Applied Data Science from Syracuse University, with a focus on data engineering and machine learning
  • 9+ years of education experience and has successfully guided hundreds of students through competitive undergraduate, graduate, and professional school admissions with a track record of acceptances into Ivy League, top-25, and top-50 schools

Diane Lee

  • 7+ years of experience helping students get accepted into all UCs, Ivy Leagues, BS/MD programs, Stanford, Caltech, USC, Vanderbilt, and other top 10/20/50 universities
  • Holds a B.A. in English Literature from UC Irvine and currently an active member of the National Association of College Admission Counseling

John Fujita

  • Graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • 5+ years experience of college counseling experience with his students gaining acceptances into Harvard, MIT, UPenn, UC Berkeley, and other Top 10/25/50 universities

Jerry Lee

  • Graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Economics
  • Previously worked at Medallia and Okta and is currently a Senior Technical Program Manager at RMS

Nathan Ho

  • Graduated UCLA with a B.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from University of Southern California (USC)
  • Currently pursuing his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from USC where he’s co–authored and published multiple research papers in scientific journals